Ceppo Ellis Island Summary

The following is a summary of the findings from the Ellis Island Immigration Center records on the Ceppo family's emigration to the United States.  This information was obtained by reviewing the ship manifest records for the Ceppo family. 

The following table summarizes these records sorted by date of arrival.  For ease of understanding, the relationships are described in terms of "Generation" from the Ceppo kinship chart and in terms of relation to Pete Ceppo (known as Uncle Pete) married to Vita Lombardo Ceppo (Aunt Lena).

Note that more detailed information from these manifest document images can be found in the Ceppo Manifest Detail document.

Generation Person Age Relationship to Uncle Pete Date of Arrival Other details
-3 Giuseppe Ceppo 18 Brother May 18, 1907 Ship: Citta di Napoli from Palermo
-4 Luigi Ceppo 54 Father Aug 27, 1907 Ship: Italia sailing from Palermo
Rosalia Rizzo 23 ???
-3 Francesco Ceppo 23 Father's cousin
-4 Francesca Giacalone  51 Mother Francis Feb 5, 1911 Ship: Italia sailing from Palermo

Did not embark on:
Ship: Perugia  sailing from Palermo


-3 Maria Ceppo 17 Sister Maria
-3 Pietro Ceppo 13 Self - Pete
-3 Nicolo Ceppo 11 Brother - Nicky
-3 Anna Rizzo 24 Aunt Anna Rametta
-3 Antonina  Giacalone 29 Aunt Jan 8, 1910 Ship: Perugia  sailing from Palermo
From Marsala to Beloit, WI
-3 Vita Pellegrino 4 Cousin
-3 Caterina Pellegrino  2 Cousin
-3 Agata Mazzola  12 Cousin
-3 Francesco Ceppo 28 Brother May 11, 1911 Ship: Italia  sailing from Naples
-4 Rosalia Ceppo Rizzo 66 Aunt

Sister of Luigi Ceppo
Mar 25, 1920 Ship: Roma sailing from Marseille

Also  grandmother of Vita Lombardo Ceppo
-3 Guiseppe DeVita 20 Cousin of Anna Rizzo Aug 24, 1906 Ship: ??  from Palermo
Going to Beloit, WI
-3 Francesco DeVita 17 Cousin of Anna Rizzo

Mar 2, 1906

Ship: ??  from Palermo
Going to Beloit, WI

From the ship manifests it appears that Uncle Pete's family made one failed attempt  to come to the US.  There is a entry in the manifest of the Ship Perugia, sailing from Palermo on Nov 14, 1909 ( a year earlier) where the following people were listed but did not disembark in the US.  This occurred because one or more of these people had some condition (probably a health condition) that would not allow them to enter to US.  So they all waited for a later date.

  • Francesca Giacalone - Uncle Pete's mother

  • Maria, Pietro, and Nicolo Ceppo - Uncle Pete and his brother and sister

  • Anna Rizzo - Uncle Pete's aunt

  • Grazia Rizzo - Uncle Pete's aunt - Never came to the US