Rosalia Ceppo - March 25, 1920
Ship: Roma sailing from Marseille

Original Manifest --> Page 1 - Page 2 
Note that more detailed information from this manifest document images can be found in the
Ceppo Manifest Detail document.

 Ceppo, Rosalia March 25, 1920 Marseille -
Manifest for Roma
Sailing from Marseille
Name Gender Age Married Ethnicity Place of Residence
0001.  Schapiro, Mordehai M 38y M Palistina Hebrew Jerusalem, Syria
0002.  Soffer, Peche F 26y 2m M Spanish Hebrew Jerusalem, Syria
0003.  Soffer, Eliezer M 4y 2m S Spanish Hebrew Jerusalem, Syria
0004.  Schwartz, Mendel M 50y M Palestina Hebrew Jerusalem, Syria
0005.  Schwartz, Rebecca F 46y 4m M Palestina Hebrew Jerusalem, Syria
0006.  Koulianos, Nicoles M 20y 10m S Greek Greek Marseille, France
0007.  Ceppo, Rosalia F 66y W Italian Italiano Tunis, Tunusia
0008.  Jakim, Martha F 18y S Syrian Syrian Beyrouth, Syria
0009.  Roclair, Charles M 59y M French French Cannes, France
0010.  Wadith, Blakini M 20y 9m S Syrian Syrian Berouth, Syria
0011.  Acliros, Antonios M 20y S Greek Greek Calimnos, Greece
0012.  O'Gorman, Patrick M 49y S Britian Irish Marseilles, France
 Associated Passenger Date of Arrival Port of Departure Line #        
 Ceppo, Rosalia March 25, 1920 Marseille -