Facebook Post on Dom Ragucci Dementia

Facebook Post – Nov 3, 2012   –  Dom Ragucci Dementia

“My Dad has been with Rose and I since Wednesday when our power came on. His home is still without power. Spending all this time together gives us a real appreciation of what happens to your mind at 94 years old. He has a difficult time making connections between people and relationships even within his own family. It’s tough to see what time is doing to this vibrant man who could do anything. We are using pictures to try and help him understand. He knows what’s happening to himself and keeps trying to understand but can’t change it. Fortunately, it is not upsetting to him, just confusing. We pray that God will be kind to him in the years he has left.”

[Note; Dom passed away almost exactly 3 years later on Nov 21, 2015 from Dementia.]

Joe Ragucci

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