2020 Pandemic

Well, it almost Thanksgiving and the year 2020 has been a very strange year with the Corona Virus Pandemic infecting the entire world. Here in NJ we have been in some form of “lockdown” since the middle of March with no end in sight. For most of the spring we would only go out to grocery shop and then only early morning. Lots of things were hard to find like paper products. Everyone is wearing face masks whenever we are within 6 feet of another person. No Masses at first – could only watch Mass on the TV, then one “parking lot” Mass a weekend. The hardest part was staying home and only “facetime” with Rosalie, John and Ben.

As summer came the restrictions were somewhat relaxed since the infection rate slowed down. We began visiting with Rosalie, John and Ben and were able to eat together typically outdoors. The church was reopened with 25% occupancy which meant marking the pews where people could sit and maintain the 6 foot spacing, everyone with masks and sanitizing their hands as they entered and left. Toward the end of summer we began going out to eat to a few places that had outside dining like Manny’s in Clark and did some takeouts at other places.

All of our vacation plans were out the window including a cruise to Bermuda and then a planned week in the Outer Banks since the states had a 14 day quarantine requirement if you left the state. We were able to be with Rosalie, John and Ben for a few days in Wildwood in late August. But we can’t make any plans for next year given the situation. We had a few points from DVC that we gave to Mike & Tammy rather than lose them. No idea if we will be able to use our banked this years points next year.

This was our 50th wedding anniversary but our plans for a large party in June at Colonia Country Club had to be cancelled. We tried to delay it to October but had to cancel that also. Rosalie, John and Ben prepared a special dinner for us at their home. It was great but not what we planned.

As fall came, the infection rate climbed around the country but so far no changes were initiated in our the state. Unfortunately, the colder weather means outdoor dining is not possible either at the Cook home or at restaurants. Thanksgiving this year is only small family gathering limited to 10 people by the state restrictions. So it’s only the 5 of us instead of the 20+ we have had in the past. This will be the first year of our marriage that we have not had the larger family gather at our home for thanksgiving.

An update… it’s now April and things are improving but NJ is still mostly shut down, limiting attendance, and requiring masks everywhere. Christmas and Easter have passed with only family gathering. Rose & I are now fully vaccinated for COVID but still are hesitant about eating inside restaurants but still do some takeouts. About 25% of NJ is vaccinated so hoping limitations are eased soon. We have vacation plans with the Cooks at Outer Banks in July and Wildwood in August. Avoided travel by airplane and cruises are still shut down. Don’t know what to do with all our Disney points. Think we will lose many of them.

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