Ragucci, Dominic – “biography”

Need to write a biography on Dad.  Some things to include:

  1. Remembrance on day his father died (father was 39 but he was only 5 yrs old);  afterwards his mother told him that he, being the oldest son, was now the “man of the house” and had to leave school and support the family at early age  (when the support $$ stopped).
  2. family travels to Elizabeth when father was in hospital – Aunt angelina with mother who could not speak english
  3. family travels to cemetery every week – take bus to Woodbridge proper and then walk over 2 miles to cemetery. Walk from end of Main St in Woodbridge to what is now Rt 9 and then to St. James Cemetery.  Uncle Tony said they would stop for Ice Cream sometimes during this walk.
  4. Various jobs and training – WPA worked on making Inman Avenue, upholstery, machinist, electrican, boiler operator, construction, etc.  (See Barber post)
  5. Marine during WWII (See WWI Marine post)
  6. jolted off the electric pole at work
  7. walk to school with “holes in his shoes”

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