Ragucci, Mary – “buy a new bed”

Aunt Mary has the oldest bed of anyone that I know.  As a teenager my bedroom was directly below her bedroom in our Port Reading home. Many times in the middle of the night I’d hear this CRASH that caused me to jump out of bed.  What happened was the boards that went under the bed frame to hold up the mattress would slide out and fall with a loud noise onto the floor.  Of course, it always happened in the middle of the night.  We continually pleaded with her to “buy a new bed” but it was fruitless.  She could not make up her mind on what to buy so she just kept the same one.  After years of hearing this crash in the middle of the night, my father decided that something had to be done.  So he rigged the bed frame boards so they couldn’t fall off the frame.  To this day, to my understanding, she still is sleeping on the same bed.

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