Ricucci, Grace and Giuseppe – “Coming to America”

(Recollections of Mary Ragucci – recorded 12/28/2002 by Joe Ragucci)

Grace married Giuseppe Ricucci on January 30th, 1910 in Monte Sant’Angelo, Italy.   Their first child, Dominico, named after Giuseppe’s father, was born around 1912.   Giuseppe was hospitalized many times (probably from pleurisy – a swelling and irritation of the membrane that surrounds the lungs).  She said they would lance his back and remove fluid.   He was in hospital when his first child died (about a year old) and Grace wouldn’t tell him until he came home. 

Giuseppe’s brothers went to America to find work so Giuseppe followed them but left Grace in Monte Sant’Angelo.  He arrived in Ellis Island in New York harbor on May 30th, 1913 and met his brother’s Matteo and Antonio who had come earlier.   He first when to Port Reading, then to NY, and finally found work in Derby, Connecticut and sent money for Grace to join him around 1917.  Because of the war, her ship, destined for Ellis Island, was diverted unexpectedly to Boston because they feared that NY harbor had been mined.   Giuseppe was wanting at Ellis Island and received word that she was diverted to Boston.  Grace remembers not speaking the language and being put in a room all by herself (probably a hotel room) to wait for husband.  Giuseppe made his way to Boston and they were re-united and went to Derby, Connecticut.  Later they moved to Port Reading, again where they remained.

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