Mary Ragucci Funeral Homily

Mary Ragucci passed away at age  99, just 26 days away from her 100th birthday, on Nov 19th 2019. The following homily was given by her nephew Deacon Joe Ragucci at her funeral Mass:

  • “Do not let your hearts be troubled, for in my Father’s house there are many dwelling places.
  • This Gospel reading from St. John is one of my favorites because it speaks clearly that life does not end but continues with our God in heaven. 
  • Jesus tells us “I am going to prepare a place for you and I will come back to take you there myself”
  • Mary really believed this with all her heart.
  • Her life was focused on living the command of Jesus to “love one another” and to “serve each other”.
  • There was nothing she wouldn’t do for those she thought needed her assistance.
  • Mary’s own father died when she was 4 years old, leaving a wife who could not speak English and 4 young children, the oldest just 6 years old.
  • The family survived though the generosity of so many people.
  • She knew what it meant to be very poor, but they were proud and strong Italian Americans.
  • Although she was not able to finish her schooling as a child, education was important to her and she made it a point to get her high school diploma later in life.
  • For the first half of her life taking care of her mother was her priority which limited what she was able to do.
  • But this responsibility was important to her.
  • Since I lived downstairs from their apartment home, I saw this firsthand.
  • Once her mother died, her life changed, and she was able to become involved in all kinds of social and service groups.
  • She also was able to do lots of traveling with friends throughout the US and Europe.  
  • Italy was one of her favorite destinations where she visited her parents’ hometown of Monte Sant Angelo, where St. Michael the archangel appeared around 500 AD.
  • But more importantly, she lived her life as a servant, paying back in her own way the generosity shown to her family and sharing her faith in God.
  • She was always gallivanting, as my dad would say, being with people, serving people, and showing love to all she met.
  • That’s just who she was.
  • That’s what it means to live life as a disciple of Christ.
  • She didn’t have to speak about Christ because she lived the life of a servant.
  • She was active in so many groups from the Deborah, to the Port Reading Seniors, to fireman’s Ladies Auxillary.
  • She was a strong and intelligent lady and used those gifts from God for the benefit of others.
  • When she was around you felt that God had been in your presence.
  • The witness of her life calls each of us to develop the many talents that God has given us.
  • You will never know how God wants to use you unless you are unafraid to step out in faith.
  • For much of my life Aunt Mary acted as my mother who died when I was 3 years old.
  • And she felt like she was mother to all my cousins offering advice even though we didn’t want it. 
  • And so many times we would respond, “O Aunt Mary!” but she just continued to offer her advise.
  • She was always stopping in her sister Angelina and brother Tony’s house and the homes of so many other family members, never needing or expecting an invitation. 
  • She felt that their house was also her house.
  • It’s just who she was.
  • She lived a long and beautiful life dealing with whatever life sent her way.
  • Her witness calls each of us to understand that life is not always easy but worth living to the fullest.
  • Her life calls us to be servants to others, to give without expecting anything in return.
  • Her life calls us to ask ourselves – what am I giving of myself to others. 
  • What does God need me to be and to do?
  • Her witness calls each of us to be a faithful disciple of Christ.
  • She believed with all her mind and heart in the words of Jesus.
  • She will be missed and will always be loved and remembered because we know that we will see her again when our time comes to leave this world.
  • I know right now she is overjoyed with being with her mother, her sister, her brothers, and her entire family who went before her.
  • In her later years of life, she was looking forward to be reunited with all those she loved.
  • I’m sure she’s talking up a storm right now!  
  • I leave you with the words of Jesus as we say farewell to Mary:
  • Do not let your hearts be troubled. You have faith in God; have faith also in me.
  • In my Father’s house there are many dwelling places.
  • If there were not, would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you? 
  • And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back again and take you to myself, so that where I am you also may be.”
  • Rest in peace and God bless you Aunt Mary.
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