Ann & Mike Kusklyk Wedding – 1950

This is a video of Ann & Mike Kusklyk’s wedding in Carteret, NJ in 1950 at the Nardi/Turco home. It includes several generations of the Nardi family including the Nardi grandparents (Jennie and Matteo), their children Ann, Pat, and Rose Nardi (Joe Nardi’s family is absent), and many of the family members in both Pat Nardi and Mike Kusklyk’s family that were living in the Bronx, NY.


NOTE: This video was taken by Dominic Ragucci (who never appears in the video). It was convert first from 8MM tape, then to VHS tape (in 2000), and finally to this MPG video format. Thus, the quality is quite poor since the original was 50 years old when it was first converted.

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