Ragucci, Rose & Joe – Travels

Recollections of Rosalie Ragucci-Cook

My parents went to the Poconos for their honeymoon because it was all they could afford.  The following year, they went to Bermuda.  It rained the first day and my mother recalls sitting in her room writing postcards.  She wrote “It’s beautiful here!  The weather is gorgeous!” because she knew that it would be beautiful by the time they got the post cards. 

In 2006, they went to Italy and had the unique opportunity to go to Mont Sant Angelo where the Ragucci family originated.  They travelled with Dominic, Tony, and Priscilla Ragucci.  They were all thrilled to actually meet some cousins who still live there.

My parents have always loved Disney World.  Their first visit was the year after it opened.  My mother says that she cried when they left and asked my dad if he thought they’d ever be able to come back.  He assured her that they would.  Years later, they brought me, their daughter, for the first time when I was two.  We visited almost every year after that.  My parents tell the story of how they left me to play in the water while they went on the water slides at River Country.  They’d come back and check on me and then go back on the slides.  That is entirely out of character for them!  In the early 1990s, they became members of the Disney Vacation Club.  They were thrilled to bring their grandson in 2008.

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