Assisted Living – updated

In another post <here> written in early 2014, I talked about my Dad, Dominic Ragucci, and his sister, Mary Ragucci, in Brighton Gardens assisted living in Edison.  Since that time, Dominic has passed away in Nov 2015 <post> at the age of 97 after battling with dementia during the final days of his life.

Mary was never the same after that. By mid 2016 she deteriorated to the point that she needed increasing care to do daily activities and lost a great deal of weight due to swallowing issues.  In Nov 2016 she rolled out of bed and ended up in JFK hospital and then to Roosevelt Care Center ending her time in Brighton Gardens.  Her mental and physical condition continue to deteriorate as she celebrated her 97th birthday.

Feb 2017 update:  Well Aunt Mary made a miraculous recovery.  We all thought she would pass away but she is her feisty self again with all her mental faculties.  She is still in a wheelchair but has regained her strength due to being fed by the RCC staff.

October 2016                                                                       December 2016


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