Strange occurrance after the Funeral

From Michael Ragucci:

For those of you who knew him my father could be a tad bit stubborn at times and meant what he said…. Well it is still true now. A few years back when he was in his young 80’s he told Tammy and I he didn’t want his age as part of his obit or he would haunt us. Well I take full responsibility for the 97 in the obit but here’s where the fun starts.

Keep in mind that he was an electrician…On Sat morning after the funeral I changed the batteries in the smoke alarms as maintenance.  They were all working fine. When I put the new battery in one it started to ring and I could not turn it off…. Part 2 happened later same day as I was cleaning out boxes in my study of stuff we always brought to him.

I walked into the dark study looking at the floor which I had cleaned thinking nice job … At the same time I threw on the light switch and all four bulbs blew at the same time. Scared the crap out of me but I figured the Chief is messing with me. Next morning I went into the study and turned the light on and 2 of 4 bulbs were now working (I did nothing)…  Can’t make this stuff up!

.. A followup from Christmas week (Retelling by Mike)…
Mike was scolding Tammy for putting stuff on the washing machine when all of a sudden they heard a bang and crash.  They went to the study and found the very stable wine bottle rack had fallen over and a bottle of red wine had broken with glass and red wine all over.  Since it was an unlikely occurrence, Mike understood that “Chief” was telling him, as he had many times when he was alive, to stop yelling at Tammy!   Can’t make this stuff up! …

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