Ragucci, Rose Nardi – “Aunt Ann recollections”

Recollections by Ann Nardi Kusklyk (sister), recorded by Joe Ragucci (Sept 2008):: 
Aunt Ann remembers being so afraid of her father.  But her sister Rose wasn’t afraid. When he would turn his back, Rose would salute him with “heil-hitler”.  But he never understood that she was insulting him with this action calling him a tyrant.

Aunt Ann would tell us how, even though she was older, her sister Rose was the one she would follow to go out at night.   She was always afraid because her father was so strict.  But her sister Rose wouldn’t let that stop her.  The sneaked out and, many times when they returned, her father would hit them.  Rose just laughed it off because she wouldn’t let him stop her.

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