Ciaccio, Jimmy – Calls at Midnight

(Recollections of Joe Ragucci )
Little Jimmy Ciaccio was an interesting character.  He was a chef by trade and thus worked at night and slept during the day.   While he was living in the US, he would call Rose about every other month to talk.  Unfortunately, he would call after he finished work which was sometime after midnight.  Of course, we were asleep at that time but he was wide awake.

Whenever the phone range in the middle of the night we knew it was Jimmy.  Rose would pick up the phone and start listening to him, half asleep.  He would talk for a quite a while – typically more than a half hour.   I couldn’t go back to sleep so I listened to half the conversation.  It was quite an inconvienence but it was the only time they would converse over the phone.

This stopped once he moved to Israel (another story!).

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