Anthony Ragucci – Funeral Eulogy (Ronny)

Anthony Ragucci Sr. passed away on Feb 28th, 2011. The following are words said by his son Ronny at the Funeral Mass:

Through the years we learn of great men.  Some are skilled carpenters, plumbers, roofers, electricans and masons.  Others can build entire homes from the foundation up.  Some men train to be auto mechanics, fix appliances and repair televisions.  Others have minds capable of teaching themselves computer programming.

Can you imagine digging a well by hand?  That’s an achievement almost hard to believe.   Many young boys dream  of being a fireman, some become commissioners and later become Fire Chiefs.  I know of one man who filmed, directed, edited, and arranged music for a documentary about Firemen.

Some men become cabinet makers, furniture makers and stained glass artisans.  Even dabbing in oil painting seems to be quite an achievement for some.   Wouldn’t it be fun owning a sporting goods, toy, and bicycle shop?  Oh yea, and let’s not forget a pretty decent tailer.

I could go on an on I’m sure…  All these accomplishments are not those of many men, but one great man.  Among all these things he was still a husband, provider, father, and friend.  A humanitarian who never had one second of selfishness his entire life.

This is a tribute to Our Dad, My hero!

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