Anthony Ragucci – Funeral Eulogy (Linda)

Anthony Ragucci Sr. passed away on Feb 28th, 2011. The following are words said by his daughter Linda at the Funeral Mass:

First I have to say that I rewrote this at least 5 times.  Father, I don’t know how you  do this every week.

I want to say the best things about Dad, but there is too much to say and difficult to keep it short,  but I will.  Dad was a do it all man.  He loved my Mom  for 66 years and raised 4 kids on one salary.  I remember every year he made sure he took us on a vacation, and we only drove.  Many verses of 100 bottles of beer on the wall were sung on those  trips.  I remember getting in the car very early in the morning, still dark outside, to start our journey to wherever Dad planned, and we always had fun.

Dad was a “I could do it”, or “I will learn it” guy.  When he owned his sporting goods store,he taught himself to use a monogram machine, fit and drill bowling balls, make trophy plates, and put the trophy together.  Dad was a fair and honest man in business and life.  That’s what made him special.  Dad never had a father to learn from.  His father died when Dad was only a baby.  But God guided  him in the right direction to make him the best father anyone could ask for.

So now we have to give him over to Jesus.  Dad always said if you need help pray to Jesus and we certainly asked Jesus over these last 2 months for help, to make Dad better.  Dad could fix anything but he couldn’t fix his heart.  So Jesus, its your turn to have this wonderful loving man at your side.  I hope you’re ready for Tony’s ideas and silly jokes.  I am going to miss you Pop very much.  I know we had some heated conversations but always ended with a hug.

You were appreciated for your love, wisdom and advise.  Rest in peace Dad.  We will be together again one day.

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