Dominic Ragucci – Barber

Dominic has always been a man of many talents.   He joined the marines during WWII and found himself on many small islands in the Pacific.   One of the many issues for the soldiers was how to get a haircut since there were no barbers.  So Dominic decided that it didn’t look too difficult and began cutting the hair of the other soldiers (and it gave him some more spending money to boot).   He continued this throughout the war.

After the war he went to work at the Reading Railroad in Port Reading.   Since he was able to cut hair, he began to do that for his co-workers for a reasonable price.  Thus, he became the railroad barber.    Another interesting fact is that he learned to cut his own hair, which  is no small feat.   

When he had children, it was natural that he saw no need to pay for a barber, so he began to cut their hair also.  In fact, he cut his son Joseph’s hair until he was in his 80’s.

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