Ragucci, Rose & Joe – “water ceiling lamp”

Recorded by Joe Ragucci.

When I began dating Rose, she lived with her parents at 2 Village Green in Colonia.  Before I met her, her Uncle Jack lived with them for a while and had the upstairs finished into 2 rooms and a bathroom.  After he moved out Rose claimed the upstairs as her own – with a bedroom and a living room.    

In the center of the upstairs living room was a ceiling lamp in the shape of a upside-down bowl.   One day when I was there, she said that the light wasn’t working.  So, I decided to open it up and see what I could do.  The bowl shaped light was held on with a nut in the center.  Unknown to me, the ceiling leaked water.  So as I finished unscrewing the nut, the light bowl quickly came down and spilled water all over the place.  It was filled with lots of water!  Once the lamp dryed up, the light worked again.  From that day on I would check the light and empty any water that it collected.  Obviously the roof was leaking and that’s where it would accumulate.

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