Cook Family Heritage – Bartels Family

Bartels Family

One ancestor of the Cook family is the Bartel family that originated in Germany.  A great deal of information has been obtained through the assistance of Carol Haszto, a former co-worker of Joe Ragucci, who was searching her ancestors and came across Sophia Bartels and Charles Eustace as best man and maid of honor at her great grandparents wedding in 1888.  Specific documentation includes:

  • 1880 New York City census listing for the Sophia Bartels Eustace family
  • 1882 Marriage record for Charles Eustace and Sophia Bartels
  • 1900 New York City census listing for the Sophia Bartels Eustace Collins family
  • Genealogy records from Oldenburg,Germany

August Bartels: (6 Generations before John Cook)

The oldest member found for this family is August Bartels from Oldenburg, Germany (wife name unknown). He is the great,great,great grandfather of Jean Cook (and thus 6 generations before John Cook). His religion is Lutheran.

William and Catherine Walker (Wascher):  (6 Generations before John Cook)

The 1880 NYC census lists William and Catherine Walker (formerly Wascher) as the parents of Catherine (Katie Walker) who married August Bartels, Jr. in NYC.  They came to the US sometime in the 1850’s.  Their religion is Lutheran.

August Bartels, Jr married to Catherine (Katie) Walker: (5 Generations before John Cook)

The 1880 NYC census lists August Bartels Jr, born in Germany as the father of Sophia Bartels. The Oldenburg records list his birth date as October 21, 1832.  He came to the US and married Catherine Wascher (later renamed to Walker) from Wuttemburg Germany in 1855 in NY City.  According to the Oldenburg records, they had 5 children all born in NY – Sophie, Wilhemenia (Minnie),  August III, Theresa, and Edward. The 1882 marriage record of Charles Eustace and Sophia Bartels also listed August and Catherine Walker as  the parents of Sophia Bartels.

August Bartels, Jr.: (5 Generations before John Cook)

The 1880 NY City Census lists August Bartels as living in a NY City apartment at ???.  He is listed as male, age 49, born in Germany in 1831.  It lists his father and mother as both born in Germany and lists his wife as Katherine Walker.  He is thus the great,great grandfather of Jean Cook (and thus 4 generations before John Cook).

The census lists the following people as belonging to this household, living in this NYC apartment: Katherine Bartels (wife), Edward Bartels (18 yr old son), Sophia Bartels (17 yr old daughter), Minnie (Wilhemenia) Bartels (12 yr old daughter), Therese Bartels (7 yr old daughter), and August Bartels III (6 yr old son).  All the children are listed as born in NY.  Edward is listed as a “grocers clerk”.  Sophia is listed as working in a “pencil factory”.  All the children are listed as “goes to school”.  Also found was a marriage record of August Bartels III and Lena Smith on December 12, 1895 in NY City.

Catherine (Katie Walker): (5 Generations before John Cook)

The 1880 NY City Census lists Katherine Walker as living in a NY City apartment at ???.  She is listed as female, age 37, born in Germany in 1843.  It lists her father and mother as both born in Germany and lists her husband as August Bartels.  She is thus the great,great grandmother of Jean Cook (and thus 4 generations before John Cook).  See August Bartels Jr. for information on others residing at this same location in 1880.

Sophia Bartels: (4 Generations before John Cook)

The 1880 NY City Census lists Sophia Bartels as female, age 17 (born in NYC in 1863), daughter of August Bartels, and Katie Walker who were both born in Germany.

According to a NYC marriage record, Sophia Bartels married Charles Eustace on November 6, 1882 (at the age of 19).  Listed on this marriage record are the parents of Sophia Bartels – August and Catherine Walker.

The 1900 NY City census lists Sophia Bartels (Eustace) Collins living at West 39th Street, Apt #435 in NY City.  She is now age 37 (born June 1863), cannot read or write English, but can speak it.  It indicates that she had 7 children and 3 are still living. The census lists the following people as belonging to this household, living in this NYC apartment:  Garth Collins (husband), Sophia Bartels Collins (wife), August Eustace (18 yr old stepson), Charles Eustace (16 yr old stepson), William Eustace (11 yr old stepson), and August Bartel (25 yr old lodger and brother of Sophia) who is a metal laborer.  Everyone can speak English and everyone except Sophia can read and write English.

By 1900, Sophia’s first husband, Charles Eustace, has died and she is now married to a Garth Collins , age 27 (born 1873), a truck driver who can read, write, and speak English, born in NYC, whose parents were born in Ireland.

Charles Eustace Jr. : (3 Generations before John Cook)

The 1900 NY City Census lists Charles Eustace Jr. as the 16 yr old son of Sophia Bartels and Charles Eustace who were married in 1882.  Both his mother and father are listed as born in NY and he can read, write and speak English. Thus Charles was born in 1883.

Charles Eustace Jr.  is the grandfather of Jean Cook (and great grandfather of John  Cook).  He married Johanna Carney-Kearney whose family came from Ireland.  Jean recalls that her grandfather Charles was born October 8th (1883) and died on Dec 13, 1949 (at the age of 66).

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