Ragucci, Margaret (Minucci)

Conversation with Dominic Ragucci (recorded by Joe Ragucci):

Dom has begun to “sanitize” his memory of Marge based on her change of behavior during the last years of her life in Roosevelt Hospital Nursing Home.  He now says “she wasn’t that bad” but that’s far from the truth.  She was always a strange person.  He admits that she was a “home-body”.  He admits that it was always a challenge to get her to go anywhere.  He remembers many times going to family events alone (or with his children) because she wouldn’t go.  He never lied for her but said the truth that she didn’t want to go. 

Dom remembers the next door neighbor knocking on the door one day when he came home asking if their child could have his ball back.  When he confronted Marge she said she took it and put it down the cellar.  She couldn’t stand kids (even her own children) playing near the house – even on the street. She would yell and chase them away. All the kids were afraid of her because she yelled and would steal their balls if it came near her.

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