Ragucci, Rose & Michael – “Derogatory comments about teachers”

It’s my birthday!

Birthdays are fun: cake, ice cream, presents and family.  On one particular birthday, when we were still living in Carteret, the entire family gathered as usual to celebrate my special day.  I was sitting at the head of the table; my brother-in-law Michael was sitting at the opposite end of the table. Michael, the practical joker that he is, decided to make a derogatory comment about teachers. Since my blood was boiling from hearing Michael’s comment, I wasn’t about to allow that comment to be ignored. So I took a huge scoop of whipped cream from my cake and flung it across the table towards Michael. I must have been a good shot because the whipped cream hit him smack dab in the middle of the forehead! After a period of  histerical laughter, Michael said I had gotten whipped cream on my new brown dining room carpet.  My reply: it was totally worth the shot! 1 point for me; 0 points for Michael.

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