Ciuffreda, Delores and Angelina

Conversation with Terry C and Mary R (recorded by Joe Ragucci):

Delores and Angelina did everything together.  When Delores became sick her mother Angelina was devastated.  She couldn’t understand how this could happen. The signs of Delores’ illness began before Warren died.  She was a retired teacher and would often substitute in Edison schools.  She stopped substituting because she said that she couldn’t find her room.  She was confused about the simplest things.  Shortly after that Warren died suddenly and she went into a deep depression.   He would do everything for her and now he was gone. I (Joe) remember seeing Delores and Angelina at Sunday Mass.  For about 2 years Delores would cry constantly during the Mass.  She couldn’t stop her grief.  Eventually this led to hospitalization and eventually her early death.  Dolores past away on Angelina’s 90th birthday.  Once Delores died Angelina became angry at the world and deteriorated rapidly until her death.

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