Ciaccio, Rose Lombardo – “Beliot, WI”

Mom was 6-years old when the family moved from Tunisia to Beliot, Wisconsin. She often told the story of being run over by a car. As Mom was crossing the street, she got hit by a car and ended up under the car. She remembers her sister, Lena, screaming that Mom was under the car. Somehow Mom managed to escape from under the car unscathed.  She remembers the driver was concerned about the accident but doesn’t remember anything else.  Thanks be to God all ended on a positive note.

Mom says that she was chased by a turtle while living in Beliot, Wisconsin. I have no recollection of any stories of her being chased by a turtle. But it must have been hilarious! However, perhaps my mom was chasing the turtle when she was hit by a car.  That would most certainly have not been hilarious!

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