Aunt Mary’s VCR

Aunt Mary had a problem dealing with technology and especially with her VCR recorder. She could not figure out how to use it and she would call me – Joe I need help! So I would go upstairs and once more teach her how to record or play videos on the VCR. Several times I put together step by step instructions but it didn’t help. So I “fixed” her VCR many times.

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Hole in the wall

One day when my two brothers where young, Mike and Rick were home alone. They were alway rough housing with each other as brother would do. Well, I came home with my father and there was a very large hole in the kitchen wall probably caused by someone being thrown into it. When my father asked what happened, who did it they both said “I don’t know”. And that’s the way it ended. Rather than try and patch the large hole, my Dad just put paneling over it half way up the wall.

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Mary’s Advice

Aunt Mary was always was offering me and my cousins what she thought was advice on what we did even though we didn’t want it. We would respond “O Aunt Mary!” But that didn’t stop her from offering her advice.

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New Years Day Open House

An annual family tradition was that Aunt Mary would have an “open house” on New Years day in her small apartment and everyone in the family stopped by some time to share in her baked Lasagna. People came and went throughout the day. People were sitting everywhere but it was a great celebration to begin the new year.

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Deacon Joe’s 25th Anniversary of Ordination

From Metuchen Diocese Catholic Spirit Newspaper – May 2, 2019

Deacon Joseph D. Ragucci 
25th Anniversary of Ordination

Deacon Joseph D. Ragucci has served at St. John Vianney Parish, Colonia, for the. past 25 years. Reflecting on his vocation, he said his path to the diaconate began at st. Joseph Parish, Carteret, where he and his wife, Rose, worshipped for the first 15 years of their marriage.

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Weekend at Disney

In celebration of Rosalie’s 40th birthday our family (Rosalie, John, Ben, Joe & Rose) spend a whirlwind weekend at Disney World.  Rose and I got a phone call 2 weeks before her birthday asking if we were interested in going to Disney for her birthday weekend.  She wanted to celebrate this milestone and we said yes – of course.  We took a 6am flight to Orlando and used our Disney Vacation Club points to stay at Old Key West resort.  We spend all day Friday and Saturday and even Sunday morning in the parks before returning on a 1:30pm flight to NJ.  We had a great time.  It was warm (75-80 degrees) and the Cooks even went swimming.  It was a once in a lifetime event.


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Fourth of July Memories

On this 4th of July, 2016 I decided to share some memories of this holiday throughout

When I was young the local fireworks were over Carteret Park which was about 1/2 mile from my house.  Sometimes we would walk there to see the fireworks but more likely we would just walk a few blocks to where the homes ended (after the barracks) and watched them across the field.  Once homes were Continue reading

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