Ragucci, Joseph – “there goes the wheel”

(Recollections of Joe Ragucci – recorded 1/10/2005 by Joe Ragucci)
On the VW, the wheel was connected to the axle with a geared spline and was held in place with a simple cotter pin.  The axle was hard metal but the wheel was soft.  So if you didn’t tighten the wheel tight enough – or if the cotter pin broke, the axle would wear away the gears on the wheel.  Eventually, the wheel wouldn’t turn because there were no more gears left.  This happened several times.  However, the worse situation was one day I was driving in Woodbridge down Green Street toward the Rt 35 intersection when all of a sudden I felt a thump and the rear of the car dropped suddenly. I hit the brakes and nothing happened.  I was still moving rapidly toward the intersection which was now a red light.  I steered the car to the curb and kept driving into the curb to slow down which eventually worked.  What had happened was the cotter pin broke, the wheel came off of the axle but was jammed under the large fenders which kept the car upright.  What a fright that was!

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Ragucci, Joseph – “my first VW bug”

(Recollections of Joe Ragucci – recorded 1/10/2005 by Joe Ragucci)
When Joe turned 16 he started looking for ways to get a car.  Dolores had an old 1956 VW convertible that had been sitting in her garage for years.  So in the summer of 1964, she gave it to Joe, but unfortunately it was in terrible shape.  So Joe and his father worked all summer to restore it to working condition. Continue reading

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Ragucci, Anthony Sr – “Halloween Float”

(Recollections of Joe Ragucci – recorded 1/10/2005 by Joe Ragucci)

Uncle Tony and Aunt Priscilla’s cellar was the gathering place for several teenagers.  In particular, Tony Jr., Joe, Linda, Frank Cundari, and Billy Capik.  Among other things we used to listen to and sing to popular music of the time.

In the summer of 1965, Uncle Tony decided to help us build a float for the Halloween Parade in Woodbridge.  Continue reading

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Ragucci-Cook, Rosalie – The night Santa didn’t come

Every child is anxious for Christmas morning.  Awakening to see the presents under the tree is every child’s dream come true.  One Christmas Eve when I (Rosalie) was 5 or 6 years old, I woke up and assumed that it must be Christmas morning already.  I snuck out of my bedroom and crept to the stairs to peek at the tree.  I was devestated when I saw that the tree was empty and there were no presents!  I remember looking in the stockings for coal.  I couldn’t understand why there was no coal and no presents. Continue reading

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