Ceppo Kinship Chart

This kinship chart traces the ancestors of Joseph & Rose Ragucci and Rosalie Ragucci-Cook from the Ceppo families.   Although the focus will be on “blood” relatives and not in-laws or adopted members of the families, these individuals will be identified wherever possible.  

Note: We know that this chart is incomplete.  If you can help fill this out please Contact Us using the link on the Home Page.




3rd Great Grandparents


Great-Great Grandmother
Rosalia Ceppo Rizzo

2nd great grand uncle
Luigi Ceppo


Great Grandmother
Maria Rizzo Lombardo

Great grand uncles/aunts

Anna Rizzo Rametta

Great grand uncles/aunts

Grazia Rizzo

1st cousins 3x removed
Pietro (Pete) Ceppo

1st cousins 3x removed
Giuseppe Ceppo

1st cousins 3x removed
Francesco Ceppo +
Maria Ceppo +
Nicolo Ceppo


Rose Lombardo Ciaccio

Grand aunt
Vita (Lena) Lombardo Ceppo

Grand uncle
Guiseppe (Joe) Lombardo

1st cousins 2x removed

Ignatio (Nat) DiGiovonni

1st cousins 2x removed

2nd cousins 2x removed
Fran Ceppo Andrei
Louis Ceppo

2nd cousins 2x removed
Margaret Ceppo Chiarello +
Frances Ceppo Clese +
Ester Ceppo Moschitta +
Giuseppe Ceppo Jr.

2nd cousins 2x removed


Rose Ciaccio Ragucci

Aunt/ Uncles

1st cousin 1x removed

Fran Ceppo Andrei

1st cousin 1x removed

Louis Ceppo

1st cousin 1x removed

Joseph Lombardo

1st cousin 1x removed Corrado Lombardo

2nd cousins 1x removed

Paul DiGiovanni +

Tom DiGiovanni

2nd cousins 1x removed


3rd cousins 1x removed

3rd cousins 1x removed

3rd cousins 1x removed


Rosalie Ragucci-Cook

Brother/ Sisters

1st cousins


2nd cousins

Joan Andrei Weidner

2nd cousins

Thomas Andrei


2nd cousins

Lisa Ceppo + Michelle Ceppo +

Donna Ceppo +

Peter Ceppo

2nd cousins
Scott Lombardo

2nd cousins Jennifer Lombardo

3rd cousins

3rd cousins

4th cousins

4th cousins

4th cousins



Benjamin Cook


1st cousins 1x removed

2nd cousins 1x removed
Kenneth Weidner + Megan Weidner + Ryan Weidner

2nd cousins 1x removed
Collette Andrei + ?

2nd cousins 1x removed

2nd cousins 1x removed

2nd cousins 1x removed

3rd cousins 1x removed

3rd cousins 1x removed

4th cousins 1x removed

4th cousins 1x removed

4th cousins 1x removed